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School Breakfast Program

Involving Key Stakeholders

One of the keys to a successful School Breakfast Program is having the support of a wide range of stakeholders. Here you will find resources you can use to involve others in your initiatives– such as PowerPoint presentations that you can customize and share with administrators, parents and teachers. Letters, information sheets, talking points, and ideas on ways for different stakeholders to get involved are included.

Once you have assessed your School Breakfast Program, your team can create an expansion strategy based on the specific needs of your school or district. A successful strategy also includes getting the support and commitment from stakeholders in the community. Whether you plan to serve breakfast in the classroom, implement Provision 2, or simply want to market the program effectively to reach more students, you'll achieve even greater success when principals, superintendents, teachers, custodians, parents, students, and other key partners are involved and help you achieve your goals.

Use the resources listed below to encourage and maintain key stakeholder support and involvement. All materials can be downloaded in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint and modified to fit your needs. Include specific school or district-level data, and remember that making the case for breakfast is more compelling if you target specific audiences. Emphasize common goals for the groups that you are presenting to and how breakfast can help accomplish those goals.

Benefits of Breakfast Handout [PDF]: Quick information sheet on the benefits of breakfast.

Letter for Principals [Word format]: Letter to share with principals on the role breakfast can play in their schools and the importance of their support.

Letter for Teachers [Word format]: Letter to share with teachers on the role breakfast can play in their schools and the importance of their support.

10 Reasons to Try Breakfast in the Classroom Flyer [PDF]: Ten reasons for teachers to support a breakfast in the classroom pilot.

PowerPoint targeted to administrators: This may be used as an introduction to the benefits of breakfast, ideas for increasing participation, and presenting your ideas on how to expand and bolster current school breakfast programs.

Talking Points [PDF]: Quick points about the academic and nutritional benefits of breakfast, reasons why promoting School Breakfast is important, and ideas for expansion.

Stakeholder Fact Sheets [PDF]: Why are parents, teachers, principals, superintendents, students, and food service staff crucial to successful breakfast programs? What can they do to make School Breakfast Programs a success? Gain support from key audiences using these convenient fact sheets which outline each stakeholder’s important role and provide action steps to promote School Breakfast.
