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Benefit Details

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Benefit Details

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  Health Professions Preparatory Scholarship Program for Indians
Program Description
The Health Professions Preparatory Scholarship Program provides financial assistance for American Indian and Alaska Native students to enroll in courses that will prepare them for acceptance into health professional schools. The course may be either compensatory or pre-processional. There is no service obligation or payback requirement for these scholarships.

General Program Requirements
In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a Native American/American Indian, you or a family member must be enrolled in a federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaskan Native village, and the highest level/grade of education you have completed must be high school.

Application Process
For more information, see the Program Contact Information below.

Program Contact Information
Scholarship Branch
801 Thompson Ave., Suite 120
Rockville, MD, 20852

Web Site Address:

Managing Agency
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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