Argonne National Laboratory Division of Educational Programs
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Postdocs Helping Postdocs

The postdoc experience can be one of the most rewarding times in an academic or research career. The PSA is a volunteer organization of postdocs who work closely with the postdoctoral office and DEP to support Argonne postdocs in their endeavors. From social support like welcoming new postdocs to the Laboratory, to publishing a survival guide and organizing job fairs and seminars, we are here to help. Click on some of the links below for additional information.

PSA Mission Statement

Welcoming postdocs

Find out more about your first day at the lab and how we can help. List of current members

Postdoc survival guide

A compilation of FAQs, tips, tricks, places to eat, things to do (and not do), in no particular order.

Some other useful links for postdocs: Postdoc portal | Newcomer’s assistance office | National Postdoc Association

Ask a postdoc

Several postdocs who have been here “a while” have volunteered to answer your questions. Click the buddy list to see their profiles and e-mails. Also, check the survival guide for frequently asked questions.

Meeting Announcements

Postdoc Video-Biographies

Postdoc Symposium

Sponsored by the DEP postdoc office, but we are helping to get the word out and promote this first ever symposium of postdoc research.

Career Fair

Bring your resumes! The first PSA career fair is in its planning stages, scheduled for later this fall. Find out more about this exciting event.

PSA Board

Who we are, when we meet, and how can you help. Find out more and become a member. Just email us and say, “I want to join the PSA, too.”

We want to know what you think! Send any and all questions, comments (good and bad), suggestions, feedback, ideas, thoughts, musings (limited to PSA and postdoc-related matter, please) to Giselle Sandi. Your opinions are important to us.

For questions, comments about this website, contact Ben Kay or Tom Peterka.

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