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Preferred Searches

Setting a preferred search allows you to save frequent, repeated searches for authors or subjects with the click of a button. There is no need to rekey the search each time. You will also be able to request new materials more quickly.

How to:

  1. Log in to your My LibraryPlus record with your username and account number.
  2. Click on the "Search Catalog" button.
  3. Search for an author, subject, title, etc. or create an advanced keyword search including limits to location, publication year, etc..
  4. When your results are displayed, click the button marked "Save as preferred search".

  5. The next time that you log in to your My LibraryPlus record you can click the "Preferred Searches" button to see a list of your saved searches.

  6. Click on the search link associated with any of the preferred search terms in the list to quickly execute your search.

  7. You can be alerted of new materials added to the library collection which match your searches. Just check the "Mark for Email" box. Your record in the system includes your current USIP email address.

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