Hawaiian Volcano 

Photo Information

View of Hualalai Volcano, Hawai`i, looking SE
Photograph by J. Kauahikaua on December 30, 1996.

View of Hualalai southeast from Kuki`i Beach. Hualalai has three rift zones, recognized by prominent cinder and spatter cones that trend northwest, north, and south-southeast from a point about 5 km east of its summit. Geologists have grouped lava flows exposed on the surface of Hualalai according to the following ages:

  • Lava flows < 10,000 years old cover about 5 percent of the volcano
  • Lava flows 5,000-10,000 years old cover about 15 percent of the volcano
  • Lava flows 3,000-5,000 years old cover about 25 percent of the volcano
  • Lava flows 1,500-3,000 years old cover about 38 percent of the volcano
  • Lava flows 750-1,500 years old cover about 8 percent of the volcano
  • One map unit 200-750 years old covers about 3 percent of the volcano
  • Vent deposits and lava flows of the historic A.D. 1800-1801 eruption cover about 6 percent of the volcano

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