Impact of Climate Change and Land Use on the Southwestern United States

Human impacts on the landscape

This page is a discussion of
Population Growth of the Southwest United States, 1900-1990

Population by County Misleading

A comment by Kevin Ahern

I read with interest your discussion on variability of
rainfall over the last 100 years.  You may be interested
to know that due to the introduction of a new automated
weather observation system by the National Weather
Service, rainfall figures over the past few years have
been reported inaccurately.

ASOS (Automated Surface Observation System) has replaced
human weather observers in nearly every weather office in
the United States over the past 4 years, and
unfortunately, there are significant systematic
inaccuracies in its measurements of several weather
parameters, including rainfall.  In my own experience
comparing ASOS rainfall totals to a simple bucket
raingauge, ASOS underreports rainfall by 5-20%.

This is a significant factor for researchers.  Do you have
any plans to address this problem?

San Bernardino County Population Density

A comment by Martin G. Chourre

This web site is not fully populated(sorry about the pun). The
static maps of each decennial census are not up yet. It is true
that population density by county is misleading, but in the text
it points out the limitations of such a portrayal. A short 
discussion on San Bernardino County is pointed out in the text
that explains the situation that most people live in the western
part of the county. 

Why I live in Alaska

A comment by Jan Curtis

Growth in the Rocky Mountain States also reflect America's
great passion to flee the east and largest cities.  Only in
Alaska will one find peace and quiet.



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