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Project THRIVE

Project THRIVE is a public policy analysis and education initiative at NCCP to promote healthy child development and to provide policy support to the State Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (ECCS) initiatives funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Part of NCCP’s longstanding commitment to promote improved state early childhood policies and practices, the goal of Project THRIVE is to help states strengthen and expand their early childhood systems, paying particular attention to strategies that improve services for those at highest risk and that help reduce disparities in access and quality of care to early childhood health and mental health.

Project THRIVE seeks to ensure that infants, young children, and their families have access to:

  • Integrated high-quality health care and medical homes
  • Early care and education
  • Social-emotional and mental health programs
  • Family support
  • Parenting education

The project’s Virtual Policy-Sharing Network links stakeholders with shared concerns on a regular basis. Project resources include documents responsive to field needs (e.g.,  "Short Takes"), Policy-Sharing Roundtables, and online data and analytic tools.

Project THRIVE is supported through a cooperative agreement with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration (MCHB-HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.