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The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
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Executive Peer Tool (ExPT) - Compare Institutions

The ExPT is a simplified version of the Peer Analysis System (PAS) that allows comparisons between a focus institution and comparison institutions. Data are available only from the latest data collection year, and results are simple and streamlined. Individuals that need access to more data should use the PAS.

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Creating Comparison Groups

  • Input list of institutions by name.
  • Select a comparison group of up to 100 schools based on self-selected criteria you choose (e.g., "enrollment must be over 10,000 students").
  • Let the system automatically generate a comparison group.

Comparison Variables

  • Select from various existing IPEDS variables.


  • Generate a PDF version of the data for viewing and/or printing.

Differences between the PAS and Executive Peer Tool

Features Executive Peer Tool Peer Analysis System (PAS)
Institution selection Select comparison groups in the three ways listed above. In addition the ExPT methods, use IPEDS variables as criteria for a comparison group.
Selecting criteria or variables Data available for 65 pre-selected variables, looking at 8 variables at a time. No limit to the number of variables.
Breadth of datasets Most recent year of data available. Data available from 1980 to the most recent.
Reporting Provides a PDF version of the data for viewing and/or printing. Provides variety of formats (e.g., ranking report, institutions data report, statistical report).


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