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uasce logo MVK Corps Lakes Relevant, Ready, Responsive, Reliable
Corps Offices

Aside from the water itself, the terrestrial resources that surround our lakes are valuable assets that sustain the exquisite nature of our 10 lakes.
Original congressional authorizations were limited in some cases
to only one purpose, Flood Damage Reduction at our older projects. More recent authorization included multi-purpose functions such as Vicksburg District MapHydropower Production, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Stewardship, Water Supply, Public Recreation, as well as Flood Damage Reduction.
Everyone is encouraged to visit Vicksburg District Corps Projects, recognize the purpose of the project and enjoy the many opportunities provided to expand your knowledge of the outdoors and relax.

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Welcome to the new Vicksburg District Corps Lakes website.


POC: Content  Public Affairs  cemvk-pa@usace.army.mil  | Technical Webmaster webmaster-mvk@usace.army.mil