FSA B&W Photos

Photographers of the FSA: Selected Portraits

Esther Bubley

John Collier Jr.

Marjory Collins

Jack Delano

Sheldon Dick

Walker Evans

Dorothea Lange

Russell Lee

Howard Lieberman

Edwin Locke

Carl Mydans

Gordon Parks

Edwin Rosskam

Arthur Rothstein

Ben Shahn

Roy Stryker

John Vachon

Marion Post Wolcott

This sampler of portraits from the Prints and Photographs Division depicts photographers who worked for the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information. It includes well-known figures such as Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, and Ben Shahn, as well as other, less well-known FSA/OWI photographers. A comprehensive nonvisual list, "Roy E. Stryker and the Photographers of the FSA/OWI: A List of Portraits," is also available through the Prints and Photographs Reading Room. This list describes all known portraits in the division's collections of FSA/OWI photographers, administrators, staff, family members, and others associated with the project. Prints and Photographs staff chose the photographs in this Web sampler from the nonvisual list, selecting photographs with no known restrictions to represent each photographer.

FSA B&W Photos