A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Tule Elk Stone Mortar Motorcycle Rider River Rafters on Cache Creek Geothermal Well
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Ukiah Field Office

Stornetta Public Lands

The 1,132 acre Stornetta Public Lands are located along the Mendocino County coastline just north of the town of Point Arena. They include over 2 miles of coastline, the estuary of the Garcia River and adjacent beach, and a small island accessible during low tide. Stornetta borders the Pacific Ocean and the historic Point Arena Lighthouse on the west. To the north it is bordered by Manchester State Park. To the east it is bordered by State Highway 1 and Windy Hollow County Road. Land ownership to the south includes a property formerly owned by the U.S. Coast Guard, which now belongs to Mendocino Community College, and another private parcel. The college site, known as the Loran Station, is used for college classes and as a marine research facility. The small island, Sea Lion Rocks, will become a portion of the California Coastal National Monument system.

The property is recognized by several state and federal agencies as containing significant natural resources, including important wildlife habitat, several riparian corridors, extensive wetlands, ponds and other water sources, cypress groves, meadows and sand dunes. Migratory waterfowl, shore birds, raptors, and several special status species may be found on the property. The Garcia River is prime Coho and Chinook salmon habitat, and is a key recovery area in recent Endangered Species Act listings.

Now Available:  Revised Checklist of Mendocino County Coastal Birds

Courtesy of the Mendocino Coast Audubon Society

Click Here to go to checklist

Under interim management rules, people can use the area for daytime activities, including hiking, picnicking, nature photography, and wildlife watching. Motor vehicles, bicycles, and overnight camping will be prohibited, pending a final management plan. The nearby Stornetta Brothers Ranch buildings and 579 acre agricultural conservation easment are not open to the public.

Parking is available at the end of Miner Hole Road.  Point Arena Lighthouse and Rollerville Junction are private property.  Parking is available in these locations for a fee or by permission.

CAUTION! The Stornetta coastal area contains many hazards. These include sink holes, unstable cliffs, and deep marshes. Offshore rocks that are accessible at low tides can be underwater at high tide.

Use extreme caution when visiting this area.

Click here for Stornetta Interim Mangagement RulesView a map of the area by
clicking here

informationFor more information, contact:

Bureau of Land Management 
Ukiah Field Office
2550 North State Street
Ukiah, CA  95482

Phone: (707) 468-4000