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Useful Links

Government Web Sites
ACF/Family and Youth Services Bureau
The Abstinence Education division of the Family and Youth Services Bureau.
A guide for parents on talking to their adolescents about healthy choices, abstinence, sex, and relationships.
Healthy Marriage Initiative
Federal initiative to help couples who have chosen marriage gain greater access to voluntary marriage education services.
Training, Technical Assistance, and Capacity Building Resources for the Family and Youth Services Bureau's Abstinence Education Grantees
  Organizations and Selected Grantees
Abstinence Clearinghouse
Clearinghouse and membership organization that promotes sexual abstinence until marriage.
Abstinence and Marriage Education Partnership
Develops curricula and conducts teacher and parent workshops on abstinence education.
Best Friends Foundation
A national network of programs dedicated to the physical and emotional well-being of young people.
The Medical Institute for Sexual Health
Conducts research and develops curricula on healthy choices for young people.
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