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Home :: Abstinence Education :: Abstinence Education Fact Sheets

Abstinence Education Fact Sheets

To assist abstinence education programs, NCFY offers the following fact sheets:

arrow Abstinence statistics fact sheet. Discusses the differences between the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey and the National Survey of Family Growth, two major sources of information about abstinence among American youth.
arrow Abstinence education media resources. Describes materials abstinence educators can use to support their existing programs or to promote new initiatives.
arrow Annotated bibliography of research on the effectiveness of abstinence education programs. Summarizes recent studies demonstrating the contribution of increased abstinence to the recent decline in teen pregnancy and the effectiveness of abstinence education programs in changing adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior.
arrow Tips for Selecting, Developing, or Adapting an Abstinence Education Curriculum. Provides guidance on ways providers can identify, create, or adapt a curriculum that fits best with their program’s unique circumstances.

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