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News Release

For Release: Nov. 5, 2008     
Contact: Michael Chiodini (831) 630-5029, or Jerry Martinez (831) 394-2821            

Bureau of Land Management to Burn Piles at Fort Ord

The Bureau of Land Management’s Hollister Field Office plans to burn 50 to 70 brush piles at the former Fort Ord military base in November through March, weather permitting.

The piles are part of the hazard fuel reduction program along the trails at Fort Ord. This fuel break system is designed to protect firefighters, help suppress wildland fire and aid public safety by reducing the threat of an uncontrolled fire in the area.

Depending on the weather, the pile burning will take approximately 10 to15 days to complete and light smoke may be visible. The piles of manzanita four to five feet high are expected to produce very light smoke and burn fast so as not to smolder overnight.

BLM Fuels Module Leader Jerry Martinez said the burning will take place in the vicinity of Old Reservation, Addington, West Machine Gun Flat, Bunker, Pilarcitos Ridge, Jacks and Sandy Ridge Roads. The public is advised to be cautious around the area for safety reasons.

For more information, contact Martinez at (831) 394-2821.


Hollister Field Office, 20 Hamilton Court, Hollister, CA  95023

Last updated: 11-05-2008