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Your Name: JoAnn Jackson
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Date of Suggestion: 01/26/2008 10:50:23
Under 648A of the Head Start Reauthorization, the language has changed regarding degree requirements for a teacher who has in AA, BA or advanced degree in a related field of early childhood education. It now states that teachers can have a degree 'in a related field and coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education...' What exactly does that mean? For instance if a teacher has some coursework in elementary math methods, research and assessment, applied educational psychology, the history of education, foundations of reading instruction, etc which are a part of the major requirement for a degree in early childhood and are from 1-3 credits, do these courses count towards the equivalent coursework to a major relating in early childhood education? Most early childhood education degree programs cover coursework that prepare students for working with children from birth to age eight and credits range from one to three credits. Also how many credits in general equal an equivalent major in early childhood education? Major requirements vary from college to college.
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