What's New

Your Research Questions—Answered with Arturo Sesma, Jr., Ph.D., Research Scientist
Q: If I were to set up a study examining the effects of an asset-building community, how would I go about testing the efficacy of this initiative?Get the answer.

The Power of Youth and Adults Working Together
Elementary school students who attended a Leading with Assets training planned a project that would soon impact the entire school.Learn more...

New York Times Features Search Institute Project
Inspired to Serve: Youth-Led Interfaith Action was featured in the Giving section of the New York Times on November 10, 2008.


New Resources

SPARKS: How Parents Can Help Ignite the Hidden Strengths of Teenagers


Visit the book's microsite!

How Was Your Day at School? Improving Dialogue about Teacher Job Satisfaction


Visit the book's microsite!

Attitudes & Behaviors Survey—Newly revised in 2008!

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