Environmental Community of Practice Acting Chief

The Environmental Community of Practice is comprised of potentially several thousand Corps employees - anyone who shares an interest in the environmental programs the Corps manages or supports is a potential member. One of the community's main missions is to serve as the champion for integrating and implementing the Environmental Operating Principles throughout the Corps. The Environmental Community of Practice is a cross integration between civil works and military environmental projects and programs.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is organized geographically into eight divisions in the United States and 41 subordinate districts throughout the US, Asia and Europe. In addition, a 9th provisional division with four districts was activated January 25, 2004, to oversee operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The districts oversee project offices throughout the world. Because divisions and districts are defined by watershed boundaries, not by states, a state may be divided into several divisions/districts. View the map of USACE Civil Engineer Divisions and Districts to find the home pages of all divisions and districts.


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