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In 2000, the Khao Chong Forest Dynamics Plot was initiated under the direction of Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin of Thai Royal Forest Department. The field crew, led by graduates from Kasetsart University, completed the census of the first 16-ha in 2001, and the total 24-ha census was finished in 2003. The forest is more diverse than expected, the 612 species inlcudes an interesting mix of species typical of forest further south as well as those in northern regions. The plot encompases a valley which extends up the side of a steep granite, and includes ridges forest dominated by masive trees of Dipterocarpus costatus.

A forest phenology study monitoring ca. 1300 mature trees of ca. 250 specices in and around the study plot has been running since 2001. Khao Chong forest phenology appears to coincide with the "General Flowering" events that occur to the south of peninsular Malaysia.

Other ongoing studies include a study of seedling recruitment of seven dominant species of Dipterocarpaceae in the forest, and a study of seasonality of biomass dynamics in the forest.

Support for the project has been provided by the Royal Forest Department of Thailand, National Institute for Environmental Studies , Japan, and the US National Science Foundation.