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Michael  Leavitt, Secretary


Washington, D.C.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Remarks as Delivered at the Pandemic Influenza Press Conference

A little over a year ago, the President mobilized the Nation to prepare for a pandemic. I traveled to almost every state and territory to hold planning summits. At every level of government, plans were developed and resources were allocated so today, we are better prepared than we were a year ago--but there is still much to do.

There is also the danger that as avian flu slips from the headlines, people will believe the threat is no longer real.

While the media buzz may have died down, the H5N1 virus hasn't. Over the past two weeks, seven new cases of avian influenza were reported in humans. Five of these people died.

To date, more than 265 people have contracted the disease. Dozens of countries-across three continents-have seen H5N1 claim poultry and wild birds.

The disease is highly pathogenic, and it continues to spread. While we cannot be certain H5N1 will be the spark of the next pandemic, we can be sure that pandemics happen. They have happened in the past and they will happen in the future.

That is why we continue to take this threat so seriously.

Preparedness must involve planning by every level of government, every school, every business, every church, every civic organization. Every family and every individual needs to have a plan.

To make sure people have the information they need to have an effective plan, we are releasing two new initiatives today.

First, we are releasing Community Mitigation Guidance.

This document helps communities understand appropriate steps to follow depending on the severity of the pandemic.

These steps may include the closing of schools, canceling of public meetings and the need to stay home for an extended period of time. By anticipating the need for these activities, we can execute them more effectively.

These steps can help reduce the spread of disease until a vaccine is available. And that means saving lives.

Our second initiative today is a public service announcement-or PSA-campaign. This will provide useful tips and help people know what to do about pandemic flu. It directs people to a government's web more information.

We have an opportunity to become the first generation in human history to be prepared for a pandemic. Let's continue toward that goal.

Last revised: February 07, 2008