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Managed Deer Hunt for the Physically Challenged

Photo of Hunter with Deer

The managed deer hunt is held each year during the last weekend of the fall firearms deer season. This year’s event will be held on November 22-23, 2008. The hunt is designed to provide a deer hunting opportunity for persons with permanent mobility impairments, with priority given to persons confined to wheelchairs. The hunt is fully catered with volunteers provided to assist the hunters in all aspects of the hunt, from transportation to field dressing.

The hunt is a very high quality hunting experience with great emphasis placed on safety, comfort and good hunting opportunity. There is no charge for the hunt, except all hunters must purchase a managed deer hunt tag.

Anyone interested in hunting or volunteering to assist a hunter should call the Smithville Lake Project Office at 816-532-0174 or E-mail our office at Smithville@usace.army.mil

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P.O. Box 428
Smithville, MO 64089
Phone: 816-532-0174

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Kansas City District
601 E 12th Street
Kansas City, Mo 64106

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