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2009 Newsnotes

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Networks Grand Challenge LDRD External Advisory Board Meeting

The Networks Grand Challenge Laboratory Directed Research and Development project focuses on research in informatics analysis for large data  sets with complex relationships -- specifically for use in cyber security and nonproliferation areas with national security mission impact.  Researchers and analysts from six vice-presidencies, across Sandia technology and mission organizations, are partnering and combining their talents to develop transformational capabilities for the future.

The project team met for a second time with the External Advisory Board (EAB) -- a carefully selected group of academics, industrial scientists, and members of the intelligence community -- to present research advancements and to demonstrate a first Networks prototype of integrated informatics capabilities.  In the outbrief and a subsequent report on the LDRD research, the EAB unanimously reiterated their view of the significance of the work for national problems and Sandia's  position to make a meaningful contribution to the field.  The EAB recommended that the Networks GC team focus on the interconnections among the technical research areas, with an aggressive use of collaborations and partnerships.  The EAB noted the need for advances in the state of the art in uncertainty, prediction, and prediction.  We agree with the EAB's assessment and have restructured the team to move forward into a more challenging second year.  Our new technical leadership is very strong and well-equipped to carry the Networks GC forward.

In a further tie between Sandia research and mission organizations, Networks GC managers are collaborating on Sandia cyber initiatives to leverage the informatics research for new opportunities in the national interest.

(Contact:Suzanne Rountree)
January 2009