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Data Analysis and Visualization

We focus on developing advanced capabilities for visualization and exploration of data. The need for such work is being driven by continuing technological advances which have resulted in a data explosion. Unfortunately, much of this data is either wasted or examined superficially because of limited capabilities for the extraction and assimilation of information which is buried in the data. This work is crucial in that it affects numerous applications, some of which include engineering, biology and intelligence. The ultimate goal is to provide enabling capabilities which allow applications to significantly improve productivity and/or create entirely new technologies in their own respective fields.

Some of the mechanisms which can be attempted to provide such capabilities include: Enabling the examination of very large and/or very complex data, such as those produced in massively parallel (MP) computing environments. Providing more efficient implementations of existing techniques. Providing new visualization and/or other techniques which enhance the ability to understand data. Implementing entirely new ways for people to interact with data, with a particular emphasis on interactivity. Identifying new ways for applying such visualization / exploration technologies.

We deliver visual tools for interacting with data in a variety of ways:
(a) Linked views-contour and phase space plots, (b) ParaView -- parallel rendering post-processor, and (c) Volume rendering.

Areas of Research:

Program Contact: Manager - David Rogers

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Maintained by: Bernadette M. Watts
Modified on: May 6, 2008