The Professional Military Reading List

Congressman Ike Skelton’s National Security Book List
The National Security Book List is compiled by U.S. Rep Ike Skelton (D-Mo.). Congressman Skelton is a leader in the House or Representatives on defense issues. His lifelong love of history and his interest in defense have resulted in the compilation of this reading list. The Congressman recommends these books to all members of the Armed Forces, Members of Congress and to all those interested in national defense issues.
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Professional Military Reading List
The Chairman's Reading List is intended to inform and broaden readers' perspectives on joint warfare. The list complements, but does not replace, the professional reading lists developed by each Service.
National Defense University President's Reading List
The NDU President's reading list is provided to the NDU community to engage critical thinking, enhance professional development, and offer perspective across the spectrum of our scholarship in teaching, research, and outreach.
The U.S. Army Chief of Staff’s Professional Reading List
The Army List is compiled for leaders. The Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) views it as a pillar for his leadership development efforts. Titles are included that will provoke critical thinking about Professional soldiering and the unique role of land power; analysis and reflection on the past and the future; and a deep understanding of the Army and the future of the profession of arms in the 21 st Century.
U.S. Navy Professional Reading List
A list of books from Chief of Naval Operations Reading List that includes history, fiction, inspirational and patriotic titles, biographies and the classics on military strategy and theory. The list provides an understanding and analysis of sea power, naval history, naval aviation, and the role of the U.S. Navy in past, present and future conflicts.
U. S. Marine Corps Reading List
The Marine Corps Reading list is developed to enrich a reader ' s knowledge and understanding of war. To quote directly from the reading program ' s purpose, “ How do we translate written words into sound military decision? Obviously, the first step is to read. Then we must relate what we have read to what we actually do in training, field exercises, war games, leadership, and the like. We must read and discuss our readings with each other.”
Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) Reading List
The CSAF Reading list is compiled to inform, analyze, inspire and educate. Titles are selected to inform readers about the history of the Air Force, analyze on-going conflicts and their relevancy to the future, inspire readers with success stories and provide lessons learned from conflicts.
Coast Guard Commandant's Reading List
This reading list is designed to offer Coast Guard people recommended books related to leadership. This list is not all-inclusive; the goal is to provide a starting point or expand existing knowledge and skills. The reading list provides a tool for individual leadership growth, taking into account that responsibility for leadership development rests on each individual, his or her unit, and the organization.
Joint Forces Staff College Commandant's Professional Reading List
The JFSC Commandant's Professional Reading List contains recommended books by the Commandant on Joint and Multinational Operations: Lessons from the Past; Current Issues; Into the 21st Century; and Leadership and Command.


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