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Center of Expertise for the Preservation of Historic Buildings and Structures
The CX's work can be categorized into the following areas of preservation services. Architectural Services Assist with structural, design, legal, and technical issues relating to the preservation and rehabilitation of historic properties. This includes planning, federal compliance and review procedures, preparation of reports and studies, and design solutions for providing universal accessibility under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Training & Workshops Provide instruction and in-field training for a range of topics, including the historical evaluation of properties, regulatory responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, technical preservation treatments, and maintenance of historic properties. Training can be directed to a wide audience including cultural resource specialists, real estate managers, building administrators, and maintenance personnel. Structural Analysis Engage structural engineers and private consultants to analyze dynamic and static structural issues and to identify the best preservation treatments. Seismic evaluations and designs for upgrades and retrofitting are also available. Inventories & Evaluations Prepare inventories of individual historic properties and historic districts that provide physical descriptions and explain the significance of properties. Evaluations can also identify the best preservation treatments that comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Properties with Guidelines for the Treatment of Cultural Landscapes. Recordation & Documentation Provide photographic, graphic, and written documentation and recording of historic properties can be undertaken for endangered properties, pre-construction documentation, and HABS documentation. Maintenance Plans Develop plans and guides for maintenance personnel that outline schedules and strategies for maintaining historic properties. Compliance Assistance Provide interpretation and advice about federal regulatory responsibilities for treating and maintaining historic properties. Coordinate compliance requirements between clients and federal, state, and local preservation organizations. Develop programmatic agreements and memoranda of agreements to conclude historic preservation responsibilities. Preservation Studies Prepare historical and technical studies and reports on specific preservation topics ranging from architectural or landscape history to materials history and performance. May address an individual property, an entire installation, or complex of historic properties. National Register Nominations Prepare complete applications to the National Register of Historic Places, to include research, writing, application preparation, photography, and mapping. All types of nominations - including individual property, historic district, historic site, and multiple property - can be produced.