Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers have made significant contributions at Sam Rayburn Reservoir in the past by donating time, skill, and resources to perform many projects and provide needed services to the public that would not have been possible without them. The staff at Sam Rayburn would like to again say thanks to those past and present volunteers. Listed below are some examples of itemsaccomplished through the volunteer program.

Hiking Trail Construction and Maintenance

Construction of Information Boards

Lake Shore Clean-ups

Improvement of Wildlife Habitat

Park Host

Construction of Covered Benches

Construction of Weigh in Shelter

Brush Removal in Recreation Areas

Painting Facilities

Planting Trees in Recreation Areas

National Public Lands Day - Equestrian Trails and Camp Development

Park Hosts are utilized at San Augustine, Mill Creek, Rayburn, Twin Dikes and Ebenezer Parks each year during the months of October - February. For more details contact Gary Coker at 409-384-5716.

If you or your organization would like to volunteer time, skill, or resources to improve and maintain the natural and recreation resources at Sam Rayburn please contact the Sam Rayburn Project Office at Rt. 3, Box 486, Jasper, Texas, Phone: (409) 384-5716 to find out more information or email Judd.McNett@swf02.usace.army.mil. If you would like to volunteer at other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Projects in the nation please visit the " U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Volunteer Program Nationwide Volunteer Clearinghouse" or call the volunteer hotline at 1-800-VOL-TEER










This site last updated on September 25, 2007