Small Business
SDB / 8(a)
Veteran-Owned / Service-Disabled
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  Frequently Asked Questions last updated 1/13/2008
    Subcontracting Program
  1. Question: Why are Army Goals and Individual Subcontracting Plan goals different?

    Answer: Army subcontracting goals are applicable on a total, service-wide basis. Individual Subcontracting Plan goals are applicable to a single contract action and should project the maximum practicable opportunity for small business categories to participate in the individual contract effort.

  2. Question: Can past performance be applied to current subcontracting goals?

    Answer: Yes, pursuant to FAR 15.305(2) (v).

  3. Question: Who are small business liaison officers (SBLOs)?

    Answer: The title SBLO is given to individuals responsible for small business programs and employed by commercial government contractors.

  4. Question: How can a company find other firms with similar technology goals for teaming or subcontracting purposes?

    Answer: Use the Small Business Administration (SBA) Dynamic Small Business Search Tool and other online resources, trade magazines, industry conferences, and trade shows.

  5. Question: If stated subcontracting goals are not achieved, can a company be penalized?

    Answer: Yes. If it is determined that no reasonable attempt was made to achieve the goals, liquidated damages may be assessed and future past performance ratings may be downgraded.

  6. Question: Are subcontracting goals under a Teaming/Partnering or Joint Venturing (JV) Agreement enforced differently?

    Answer: Yes. Unless otherwise noted, a Teaming/Partnering agreement is essentially viewed as a prime/subcontractor relationship. Under this scenario, the prime contractor is responsible for ensuring that the subcontracting goals are met.

    A Joint Venture (JV) relationship exists when several firms merge for the purpose of pursuing a specific project. The JV entity is responsible for ensuring that the subcontracting goals are met.

  7. Question: Can subcontracting goals for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses also be counted toward goals for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses?

    Answer: No. Separate goals must be identified for each category.

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