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NCFY's list of links will help you navigate the wealth of youth-related information on the Internet. Please note that the list is not exhaustive and that the content of sites listed here does not necessarily represent the official position, policies, or views of NCFY, the Family and Youth Services Bureau, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

NCFY has grouped the links by topic, so you can easily locate the information you need to help young people and families. To find sites of interest to you, choose one of the categories below.

Adolescent Health
Adolescent Pregnancy
Afterschool and Out-of-School Time
Child and Youth Safety
Children of Prisoners
Community Service
Family Violence
Foster Care and Foster Youth
Juvenile Justice
Mental Health
Model Program Guides
National Youth Programs

Positive Youth Development Policy and Research
Professional Associations and Networks
Research Centers
Runaway and Homeless Youth
School Safety
Training and Technical Assistance
Transitional and Independent Living
Tribal Youth
Youth Employment
Youth Involvement and Leadership
Youth Media
Youth With Disabilities
Youth-Related News and Information

A guide for parents on talking to their adolescents about healthy choices, abstinence, sex, and relationships.
Abstinence Clearinghouse
Clearinghouse and membership organization that promotes sexual abstinence until marriage.
Abstinence and Marriage Education Partnership
Teaches the benefits of abstinence until marriage and healthy relationship skills by providing public and private schools with curricula and organizing assembly presentations, teacher training and parent workshops, and youth group retreats.
Best Friends Foundation
Promotes a school-based character-building program, based on an abstinence-only philosophy, for girls in grades 6 through 12.
The Medical Institute for Sexual Health
Nonprofit scientific and educational organization that identifies, evaluates, and communicates scientific data about abstinence and sexual health.


American Medical Association Program on Child and Adolescent Health
Information on topics related to adolescent health, such as injury prevention, mental health, violence prevention, pregnancy prevention, and alcohol and drug abuse.
Division of Adolescent and School Health
Seeks to prevent the most serious health risk behaviors among children, adolescents, and young adults. A division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
National Adolescent Health Information Center
National resource for adolescent health information and research.
Teens Health
Information for adolescents about physical and mental health.


National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
Nonprofit organization that aims to improve the well-being of children, youth, and families by reducing teen pregnancy.
Unintended and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Administers the Adolescent Family Life Demonstration and Research program. Part of the Office of Population Affairs, Office of Public Health and Science, Department of Health and Human Services.
National Adolescent Health Information Center
A program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Reproductive Health.


Afterschool Alliance
Raises awareness of the importance of afterschool programs and advocates for quality, affordable programs.
Information on out-of-school programs for children and youth.
Afterschool Investments Project
Provides technical assistance to afterschool and out-of-school-time programs.
After School Clearinghouse
A project of MENTOR/The National Mentoring Partnership; provides tools and resources for afterschool programs that would like to include a mentoring among their activities.
National AfterSchool Association
Professional organization representing afterschool and out-of-school-time programs.
National Institute on Out-of-School Time
Research, policy development, and training related to out-of-school time and afterschool programs. Based at Wellesley College’s Center for Research on Women.
Promising Practices in Afterschool
Searchable database of promising practices from afterschool programs around the country.


Blueprints for Violence Prevention
A searchable database of effective youth violence prevention programs. The programs were identified by the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Children's Safety Network
Resource center for child and adolescent injury and violence prevention.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Works to prevent drunk driving and underage drinking.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Works to prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; find missing children; and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Crisis intervention, safety planning, information about domestic violence, and referrals to local service providers. 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
National Organizations for Youth Safety
Coalition of organizations advocating health and safety for youth
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
A “one-stop shop” for information on youth violence prevention, sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other Federal agencies.

Prevent Child Abuse America
Advocates initiatives to prevent child abuse and neglect.


Partnership of community- and faith-based organizations providing mentoring to children of incarcerated parents.
Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents
Produces documentation on and develops model services for children of criminal offenders and their families.
Family and Corrections Network
Membership organization of agencies and individuals that serve families of prisoners. The network also houses the National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated, which collects and disseminates information, provides training and technical assistance, and increases awareness of issues faced by families separated by incarceration.


Coordinates intensive community service opportunities at community- and faith-based organizations and in low-income communities. A program of the National Corporation for Community Service.
Corporation for National and Community Service
Provides opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to engage in service that addresses the Nation’s educational, public safety, environmental, and other human needs; offers extensive online resources on volunteering and community service.
Idealist Kids and Teens Site
A project of the nonprofit group Action Without Boarders, this site introduces children and youth to volunteering and the nonprofit world.
Learn and Serve America
Supports service learning across the United States. A program of the National Corporation for Community Service.
National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
Provides timely information and relevant resources to support service learning programs, practitioners, and researchers.
Youth Service America
Trains youth launching innovative service organizations and sponsors National Youth Service Day.


Educational Resources Information Center
Database of education literature, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education.
Especially for Parents, U.S. Department of Education
A guide to education issues, from school choice and afterschool programs to college and student aid.
National Dropout Prevention Center
Clearinghouse on issues related to school reform and dropout prevention.
National PTA
Provides families with support, information, and resources on the health and education of children.


Battered Women's Justice Project
Training, technical assistance, and other resources.
Family Violence Prevention Fund
Advocacy organization that works to prevent violence within the home and in the community.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Offers resources and toll-free number (1-800-799-SAFE) for victims of domestic abuse.
National Center of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Family Violence Department
Advances social change in courts and communities across the country by providing cutting-edge training, technical assistance, and policy development on issues of family violence.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Information and resources, policy development, and technical assistance aimed at preventing domestic violence.
Sacred Circle , National Resource Center To End Violence Against Native Women
Provides training and technical assistance to Tribal organizations seeking to end violence against Native women.


Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
National foundation dedicated to helping youth in foster care make successful transitions to adulthood.
Child Welfare Resource Center for Youth Development
Increases the capacity and resources of States and Tribes to effectively help youth in care establish permanent connections and achieve successful transitions to adulthood. Based at the University of Oklahoma.
Nonprofit, national network for youth in foster care.
National Foster Care Coalition
Coalition of national organizations and foster care alumni dedicated to raising public awareness, coordinating advocacy efforts, and building alliances that strengthen foster care.
National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice and Permanency Planning
Works to increase the capacity and resources of State, Tribal, and other publicly supported child welfare agencies to promote family-centered practices. Based at the Hunter College School of Social Work of the City University of New York.


National Criminal Justice Reference Service (Juvenile Justice Section)
Links to publications, events, and Web sites related to juvenile justice and juvenile crime. Topics include drug and alcohol use, juvenile recidivism, gangs, and school safety.
National Juvenile Justice Center
Research on topics related to juvenile justice.
National Youth Gang Center
Funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Assists State and local jurisdictions in collecting, analyzing, and exchanging information on gangs.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Provides national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization. A component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
National Youth Court Center
Serves as a central point of contact for youth court programs across the Nation. Managed by the American Probation and Parole Association. (Youth or teen courts are alternatives to the traditional juvenile justice system; first-time juvenile offenders are tried, judged, and represented by their peers.)
Youth Crime Watch of America
Helps students develop youth-led programs that aim to reduce crime and support young people.


American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Professional medical organization of child and adolescent psychiatrists.
Center for Mental Health in Schools
Provides publications, training, and technical assistance to improve mental health serves in schools. Part of the UCLA School Mental Health Project.
Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
Parent-run organization focusing on the needs of children and youth with emotional, behavioral, or mental disorders and their families.
National Mental Health Information Center
An online service of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Callers are routed to the closest possible provider of mental health and suicide prevention services.


Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Network of mentoring organizations serving children, youth, families, and communities.
MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership
Information about mentoring and support for mentoring programs.
Faith-based mentoring Web site focused on recruitment and program development.
National Mentoring Center
Training and technical assistance provider for mentoring programs.


Building Partnerships for Youth
Tools and information to help youth programs integrate Positive Youth Development into their work. Includes a database of youth-serving organizations that use youth development concepts. The site is a partnership between National 4-H Council and the University of Arizona.
Community Guide to Helping America’s Youth
Prepared for the Helping America’s Youth initiative spearheaded by President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, the walks community groups through the steps necessary for building strong supports for youth.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs Model Programs Guide, U.S. Department of Justice
Designed to assist practitioners and communities in implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention programs that can make a difference in the lives of children and communities.
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability
Online database of promising programs and practices in the workforce development system that effectively addresses the needs of youth with disabilities.
National Youth Summit Youth Leadership Guide
Descriptions of 12 successful youth leadership programs. The guide was developed based on discussions at the 2004 National Youth Summit in Cleveland, Ohio.


Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Programs and services that promote and enhance the development of boys and girls.
Boy Scouts of America
Educational program for boys and young adults to build character, train in the responsibilities of participatory citizenship, and develop personal fitness.
Camp Fire Boys and Girls
Provides youth with developmental opportunities and improves the societal conditions that affect youth.
Girls Incorporated
Research-based educational programs that encourage girls to take risks and master physical, intellectual, and emotional challenges.
Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
Provides girls with opportunities to engage in activities that develop their potential while allowing them to interact with peers in a supportive, all-girl setting.
National 4-H Council
Experiential programs and activities for young people across the country.
YMCA of the USA
Nationwide community service organization for families, youth, and communities.
Social, health, and economic programs for women and girls.


Parenting Resources,
Provides links to a host of Federal resources for parents.
Tips for parents, from the Girls and Boys Town National Resource and Training Center.


America’s Promise
Brings together communities, individuals, companies and organizations from all sectors to improve the odds for children and youth.
American Youth Policy Forum
Educates policymakers on youth issues such as education, training, transition to employment, and national and community service.
Forum for Youth Investment
Research, education, and training to make sure that all young people are ready for college, school, and life by age 21.
Helping America’s Youth
Nationwide effort, initiated by President George W. Bush and led by First Lady Laura Bush, to benefit children and teenagers by encouraging action in three key areas: family, school, and community. Web site includes a step-by-step guide to building strong supports for youth.
Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development
Conducts research, conferences, and outreach to promote Positive Youth Development.
National Conference of State Legislatures
Provides policymakers with research, technical assistance, and opportunities to exchange ideas on the most pressing State issues.
National League of Cities
As part of its agenda to strengthen cities, advocates on behalf of youth and children and provides publications and technical assistance on youth issues.
Public/Private Ventures
Works to improve the effectiveness of social policies, programs, and community initiatives, especially as they affect youth and young adults.
Search Institute
Promotes research and collaboration around the idea that young people need “developmental assets,” positive experiences and personal qualities that help them grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.


Alliance for Children and Families
International nonprofit association representing more than 450 child- and family-serving organizations.
Child Welfare League of America
Membership association of nearly 1,000 public and private agencies that provide a wide range of services to children and families.
National Children's Coalition
Resource and referral center for information on issues and activities related to children and youth; also serves as a membership organization for child and youth professionals, advocates, and organizations.
National Network for Youth
Educates the public, promotes youth-adult partnerships, and strengthens community-based organizations that serve youth.


Center for Adolescent Studies
Research on social issues relevant to youth.
Center for the Future of Children
The applied research, policy, evaluation, and grant-making unit of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Center for Youth Development and Policy Research
Located at the Academy for Educational Development.
Chapin Hall Center for Children
Research to improve the health and well-being of children and youth; located at the University of Chicago.
Child Trends
Researches children, youth, and family issues, including teenage pregnancy and childbearing, the effects of welfare and poverty on children, and other issues related to parenting, family structure, and family dynamics.
Children, Youth and Families Education and Research Network
Provides information on educational outreach programs, online publications, and research on children, youth, and families from universities in all 50 States.
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics
Federal effort to coordinate the collection and reporting of data on child and family issues.
Girl Scout Research Institute
Center for research and public policy information on the healthy development of girls.
The Harvard Family Research Project
Researches family support programs and policies, disseminates research findings, and provides technical assistance to practitioners, policymakers, and educators.
National Academies Board on Children, Youth, and Families
Convenes experts from the behavioral, social, and health sciences to address policy-relevant issues related to the health and development of children, youth, and families.
Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood
Examines the changing nature of early adulthood and the policies, programs, and institutions that support young people as they move into adulthood; located at the University of Pennsylvania.


bullet point National Alliance to End Homelessness
Nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing the nonprofit, public, and private sectors through education and advocacy.
bullet point National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Professional organization dedicated to addressing the educational issues that impact students experiencing homelessness.
bullet point National Center for Homeless Education
Provides research, resources, and information enabling communities to address the educational needs of children experiencing homelessness. Part of SERVE, the Regional Educational Laboratory for the Southeastern United States.
bullet point National Runaway Switchboard
Confidential hotline that provides support and referrals to runaway youth, youth who are thinking about running away, and their families. 1-800-RUNAWAY.


Center for the Prevention of School Violence
Works to ensure that schools environments are safe, secure, and conducive to learning.
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network
Works to ensure safe schools for all students.
National Alliance for Safe Schools
Provides technical assistance, training, and research to school districts interested in reducing school-based crime and violence.
National Resource Center for Safe Schools
Clearinghouse of information on school safety.


Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) Training and Technical Assistance Providers
Ten training and technical assistance providers across the country that are funded by FYSB to assist Runaway and Homeless Youth Program grantee agencies.
National Resource Center for Youth Services
Training and technical assistance for youth-serving organizations and professionals; based at the University of Oklahoma.
National Training Institute for Community Youth Work
Training and professional development for youth workers; based at the Academy for Educational Development.


Casey Life Skills
Offers a free online life skills assessment tool as well as a guide that helps youth workers design a curriculum tailored to their transitional living program and their youth population.
Daniel Memorial Institute
Produces of life skills curricula and assessment tools for foster youth and other at-risk young people.
National Independent Living Association
Provides training, technical assistance, and support to independent living programs.


Boys & Girls Clubs in Indian Country
Partnership between Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Native American Tribes to provide programs and services for Native youth.
Office of Indian Education Programs
National education system for Native American children and adults; part of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
United National Indian Tribal Youth
Fosters the spiritual, mental, physical, and social development of Native American and Alaskan Native youth.


Career Voyages
Information on high-growth, high-demand occupations. A collaboration between the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Education.
Jobs for the Future
Nonprofit organization working to improve education and job opportunities for disadvantaged youth and adults.
The National Youth Employment Coalition
National network of youth employment and youth development organizations dedicated to helping youth succeed in becoming lifelong learners, productive workers, and self-sufficient citizens; runs PEPNet, the Promising and Effective Practices Network, a system for enhancing the quality of employment and education programs for young people ages 12 to 25.
Sar Levitan Center for Social Policy Studies
Research and policy center dedicated to improving the educational and employment prospects for disconnected youth; based at Johns Hopkins University’s Institute for Policy Studies.
YouthBuild USA
National network of programs that train youth to build low-income housing while helping them to acquire their GEDs.


The Freechild Project
Advocates for and supports youth-led social change; Web site includes the Youth Media Info Center, which lists youth media organizations, youth media publishers, and youth media resources.
Global Youth Action Network
Facilitates youth participation and intergenerational partnership in global decisionmaking, supports collaboration among youth organizations, and provides tools, resources, and recognition for positive youth action.
The Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development
Promotes community and youth development and increases youth involvement.
National Youth Leadership Council
Promotes service learning and youth leadership.
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
Peer leadership organization dedicated to preventing destructive decisions, particularly underage drinking, drug use, impaired driving, teen violence, and teen depression and suicide.
Promotes meaningful student involvement in school decisionmaking.
Online community for young people interested in making a difference in their communities and the world.
What Kids Can Do
Publicizes the voices and views of adolescents.
Youth on Board
Prepares youth to be leaders and decision makers in their communities and strengthens relationships between youth and adults.
Youth Venture
Helps young people start youth-led organizations.


Children’s Pressline
News reported and edited by children and youth.
L.A. Youth
Bimonthly newspaper written, edited, and published by high school students in Los Angeles.
New Expression
Monthly newspaper written, edited, and published by high school students in Chicago.
New Moon: The Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams
Bimonthly magazine written and edited by girls, ages 8 to 14.
New Youth Connections
Newspaper founded to train, inform, and provide a voice for New York City adolescents through print journalism.
Newspaper written by and for youth in the New York City foster care system.
Teen Voices
Quarterly magazine written by and for girls and young women, ages 12 to 19.
Vox: The Voice of Our Generation
Bimonthly newspaper produced eight times per year by high-school-age youth in Atlanta.
Yo! Youth Outlook
Written by and for high school students in the San Francisco Bay area.
Youth Noise
Web forum for youth opinions on social issues.

An online resource for Americans with disabilities. Managed by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), in partnership with 20 other Federal agencies.
National Center for Youth with Disabilities
A project of the University of Minnesota's Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health; information and resource center focusing on adolescents with chronic illnesses and disabilities.
National Council on Disabilities
Independent federal agency that makes recommendations to the President and Congress on issues that affect people with disabilities and their families.
National Dissemination Center for Children With Disabilities
Information on topics related to children and youth with disabilities, including the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and effective educational practices.
PACER Center
Parent advocacy group working on behalf of children and young adults with disabilities and their families.


Connect for Kids
News on child and youth issues, programs, and policies.
National Youth Development Information Center
Source of news and information for youth workers with interest in any and all of the following areas: funding, programming, research, policy, job and training opportunities.
Youth Today
Independent, monthly newspaper for professionals in the youth service field.


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