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Applying Comics
November 27, 2007

Bernice Ellis Lunder; The Comics Quilt; probably Omaha, Nebraska; 1935; cotton; appliquéd, embroidered, and quilted; Lent by the Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer, Grand Island. Explore this quilt in detail.

Detail of Quilt

Detail of Comic Quilt: Clarabella

A few weeks ago BoingBoing featured an appliquéd cover to the comics section of the latest Nickelodeon Magazine. This reminded me of a quilt I had just seen at our Going West! Quilts and Community exhibition presently up at our Renwick Gallery. The quilt is made up of a series appliquéd comics from the 1930s.

Bernice Ellis Lunder entered the Comics Quilt, featuring forty-nine characters from the funny papers, in a quilt context. According to Omaha's Evening World Herald (August 29, 1935), Mrs. Lunder "drew all the characters free hand and then appliquéd them. Each comic folk is true to character."

Going West! Quilts and Community is on display at the Renwick through January 21, 2008.

Posted by Jeff on November 27, 2007 in American Art Here


"True to character" perhaps, but when did Clarabelle Cow become "Clarabella"? Is she perhaps playing Cinderella?

Posted by: Stephen | Nov 28, 2007

Hey, the third one from the left in the third row from the top is named Jeff. It even kind of looks like you!!!

Posted by: Mike | Nov 30, 2007

I see a slight resemblance in the face, but I don't have a hat like that! ;-)

Posted by: Jeff | Nov 30, 2007

Jeff, I am totally fond of Clarabella. Here in Europe it is hard to get something from here, how "hot" is she in the USA?

What a wonderful quilt :)

Posted by: Snel Geld Lenen | Dec 9, 2007

Hi Snel, I'll send you an e-mail. There is even a Clara fan club here in The Netherlands that you could join!

Posted by: Mr. ADSL | Mar 15, 2008

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