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Thomas Jefferson. Papers read before the American Philosophical Society in...

LC Control No.: a 44002959
LCCN Permalink: 44002959
Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Corporate Name: American Philosophical Society
Main Title: Thomas Jefferson. Papers read before the American Philosophical Society in celebration of the bicentennial of Thomas Jefferson, third president of the Society. Annual meeting April 22, 23, and 24, 1943.
Published/Created: Philadelphia, The American Philosophical Society, 1943.
Description: iii, 199-289 p. ports., 3 facsim. on 2 l. 27 cm.

CALL NUMBER: Q11 .P5 vol. 87, no. 3 FT MEADE
Copy 1
Bound with other titles
-- Request in: Jefferson or Adams Bldg General or Area Studies Reading Rms
-- Status: Not Charged

CALL NUMBER: Q11 .P5 vol. 87, no. 3 FT MEADE
Copy 2
Bound with other titles
-- Request in: Main or Science/Business Reading Rms - STORED OFFSITE
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