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Texas PUC Orders Utility Program

The Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC) on August 23 ordered CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric LLC to reduce its annual revenue by nearly $68 million while targeting funding to low-income rate assistance and energy efficiency programs.

Of the $68 million reduction, $10 million will go to helping low- income customers pay energy bills, $10 million will go for energy-efficiency programs and at least $37 million will go to wholesale and retail rate credits.

CenterPoint is required to release the low-income funds immediately, with 72 percent of the funds going to retail electric providers that give discounts to low-income customers. Organizations that operate a retail electric provider's voluntary bill assistance payment program will distribute the other 28 percent.

The money for energy efficiency programs will be accounted for in quarterly reports to the PUC that will include progress reports on residential and low-income energy efficiency programs.

The order resulted from a PUC review that concluded CenterPoint might have overearned $105 million in revenues in 2004.

Centerpoint operates the power lines, poles and electric meters in the Houston area and serves more than 1.7 million households. Retail electricity providers are the companies that sign up customers and send out bills.

Source: Texas newspapers

Page Last Updated: August 29, 2006