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Travels with Gates
  Munich, Germany Seville, Spain Islamabad, Pakistan  
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates traveled to Europe Feb. 7 to attend his first NATO meetings in Seville, Spain, Feb. 8 and 9, and to address the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy, Feb. 10 and 11, in Munich, Germany. Feb. 12, the secretary traveled to Pakistan to meet with Pakistan President Pervez Musharaff to discuss border security on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
Islamabad, Pakistan
Gates, Pakistani President Discuss Border
MANAMA, Bahrain, Feb. 12, 2007 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates met with President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan this morning at the president’s Camp Office in Rawalpindi.   Story
Photo:  See caption below.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates meets with Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf in Islamabad, Pakistan, Feb. 12, 2007. Defense Dept. photo by Cherie A. Thurlby
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Photo:  See caption below.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates addresses the audience during the 43rd Annual Conference on Security Policy in Munich, Germany, Feb. 11, 2007. The theme for the conference is "Global Crisis-Global Responsibilities" and Gates' speech is about "The Transatlantic Relationship in the 21st Century." Defense Dept. photo by Cherie A. Thurlby  Hi-Res Photo | Photo Essay 1 | Photo Essay 2
Photo:  See caption below.
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, left, conducts a bilateral meeting with German Minister of Defense Franz Josef Jung during the informal NATO Defense Ministerial in Seville, Spain, Feb. 9, 2007. Defense Dept. photo by Cherie A. Thurlby
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Munich, Germany
Gates Fields Broad-Ranging Questions From International Security Experts
MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 11, 2007 – Consequences for failure in Iraq, European missile defenses and the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are all topics Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates touched on in a broad-ranging question-and-answer session following a speech here today.   Story
World More Complex Than During Cold War
MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 11, 2007 – Today’s world is a different and much more complex world than 20 or 30 years ago, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said here today.   Story
Marine Sergeants Get New Running Mate
MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 11, 2007 – Three U.S. Marine sergeants serving as security guards at the U.S. Consulate here had special company this morning during their morning run.   Story
Related Links:
Gates Urges Allies to Honor Commitments
Munich Conference on Security Policy
Craddock: More Troops in Afghanistan Will Lead to Stability
NATO International Security Assistance Force
Biography:  General Bantz J. Craddock
Seville, Spain
Multinational Force Sweeps Pick Up Iranians
SEVILLE, Spain, Feb. 10, 2007 – Multinational forces in Iraq recently captured some Iranians during sweeps to find networks that build and emplace improvised explosive devices, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said here yesterday. Story
Gates Talks Intel, Russian Relations
SEVILLE, Spain, Feb. 9, 2007 – As a second day of informal NATO meetings unfolded here today, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told reporters traveling with him that his former career with the Central Intelligence Agency was attracting other former intelligence officers. Story | Kosovo Force | European Security and Defense Policy
Related Links:
NATO-led Forces Can Counter Taliban
NATO Pledges More Troops for Afghanistan
NATO in Afghanistan
NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Pentagon Channel Video: Focus on Afghanistan
Transcript: Press Availability with Gates in Seville
NATO Meetings to Focus on Afghanistan
Gates to Attend NATO, Security Meetings
Kosovo Force
European Security and Defense Policy
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