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Relief and Recovery - Gulf Coast Hurricanes
New Orleans Wall Rebuilding on Track
WASHINGTON, March 7, 2006 – Restoration of the flood protection system in New Orleans is on track and by June 1 will be equal to or better than it was before Hurricane Katrina, the Army general in charge of the program said here yesterday. Story
Keesler Airmen Answer Call for Help
KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss., March 7, 2006 – After the devastation from Hurricane Katrina left the base and the surrounding area in dire straits, the community desperately needed help to recover. Airmen here have answered that call. Story
Corps of Engineers Completes Cleanup
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 10, 2006 – Hundreds of miles of canals snake through southern Louisiana parishes. Since Hurricane Katrina visited the area Aug. 29, very few of these waterways had been usable. "We're out here cleaning canals," explained St. Bernard Parish subcontractor Roy Madere, "so if we do have more weather, we can stop it from flooding." Story
Fleet Survey Team Rescues Dolphin
STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss., Dec. 5, 2005 – A young Atlantic bottlenose dolphin stranded in the Pearl River here for three months following Hurricane Katrina was safely rescued and returned to his saltwater home Nov. 30 in a multi-agency effort initiated by the Navy Fleet Survey Team at the John C. Stennis Space Center. Story
Household Goods Guidance Available
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2005 – An update to the frequently asked questions about household goods for sailors affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita has been published and is now available on the Task Force Navy Family Web site. Story
Guard, Agencies Help Recovery Efforts
BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss., Nov. 17, 2005 – Like a turtle’s slow march across North Beach Boulevard, the people living in the ruins of this Gulf Coast community are slowly recovering from the ravages of the 2005 hurricane season. Story
Photo - See Caption Below
BEACH CLEANUP – Personnel assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74 remove debris from ankle-deep water off the coast of Southern Mississippi, during the Great American Cleanup event. The sailors join volunteers from the surrounding community and across the nation in a continuing effort to clean up and rebuild the Gulf Coast region following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Rob Wesselman  More Photo Essays
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Photo - See caption.
HELPING RESIDENTS – Staff Sgt. Deborah Miale of the Florida Army National Guard's 260th Military Intelligence Battalion (left) talks with Donald Cobert - the self-proclaimed "Wizard of Key West" - at a food and water distribution site in Key West, Oct. 27, 2005. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Thomas Kielbasa  Story
Airman Finds New Home, Family
Officials Report on Hurricane Response
Giveaway Brightens Seabees' Day
Guardsmen Help Key West Residents
Sailors, FEMA Work to Provide Relief
Displaced Families Get Travel Trailers
Guard Mobilized, Alerted for Hurricane
Hurricane Wilma Makes Landfall in Florida
Navy Ships on Alert for Hurricane Wilma
Services Prepare for Hurricane Wilma
Norfolk Ships Ready to Respond to Wilma
Hurricane Hunters Fly into Record Season
Sailors Continue Katrina Relief Efforts
Panel to Evaluate Protection Systems
Military Keeps Eye on Hurricane Wilma
Center Hosts Returning Family Fair
Panel to Evaluate Protection Systems
Stennis Sailors Help Remove Refrigerators
Units Finish Filling Levees with Sandbags
Bush Thanks Troops for Cleanup Efforts
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