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Remembering The Flying Tigers
The Flying Tigers of World War II
Americans have not always waited for their country to enter a war formally to fight for causes they supported. The tradition continued during the early days of World War II before the United States officially became a combatant. Some Americans joined the Royal Air Force, forming the Eagle Squadrons and fighting alongside English pilots in the Battle of Britain and other early conflicts. But it was another group of Americans, the American Volunteer Group (AVG) in China, that gained the most fame and notoriety in the early months of the war. On Dec. 20, 1941, the AVG 'Flying Tigers'entered combat for the first time. Story
From Volunteers to Regulars
The great value of the Flying Tigers was psychological and diplomatic. Amerians and Chinese hailed them as heroes during the early period of World War II when Japan had the upper hand. The Flying Tigers raised public hopes for eventual victory. Story
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The Flying Tigers Prelude to War
FLYING TIGER WARHAWKThe Curtiss P-40 Warhawk was flown in China and Burma by the famed all volunteer American Volunteer Group or Flying Tigers. In its brief combat life - December 1941 to July 1942 - the AVG destroyed 296 Japanese aircraft in China and Burma.
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