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HHS Releases 2004 LIHEAP Emergency Funds

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced the release of LIHEAP emergency contingency funds to all LIHEAP grantees.  All states will receive a share of the entire $99.4 million in contingency funds that are part of the FY 2004 LIHEAP appropriation. (The $100 million appropriated for contingency funds was reduced to $99.4 million as a result of an across-the-board rescission.) With this release, all LIHEAP emergency contingency funds are now exhausted.

The decision to release emergency funds was prompted by the increases in home heating fuel prices this winter and the colder than normal January weather in many states. The method for allocating the funds provided that (1) 40 percent of the funds are released to all grantees based on the regular block grant allocation formula and (2) 60 percent of the funds are released to 19 states that experienced 65 or more excess heating degree days (HDDs) above the norm for the month of January. The allocations to the 19 states were based on the number of excess HDDs weighted by each state's relative share of the regular block grant formula.

The 19 states are Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia.

Attached are (1) the state, tribal and insular area allocations of the $99.4 million contingency funds (includes 2 separate worksheets for states and tribes) and (2) the formula for the 40%/60% weather distribution (includes 4 separate worksheets on allocation methodology and HDD information that formed the basis for allocating funds to the 19 states). Tribes will receive a proportionate share of the contingency funds equal to their percentage of FY 2004 regular block grant funds. 

HHS press release announcing the additional LIHEAP funds.  NOTE:  the press release indicates the release of $191.5 million in LIHEAP funds. The $191.5 million includes the $99 million in contingency funds PLUS an additional $92 million in 2nd quarter block grant funds to grantees as a result of the increase in the FY 2004 appropriation. 

Page Last Updated: December 7, 2005