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ACF Region 7 - Kansas City
Region 7 - map of 4 states:  Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska

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About Region 7

Our Mission

The Administration for Children and Families provides national leadership and creates opportunities for low-income, disadvantaged families and individuals to lead economically and socially productive lives, for children to develop into healthy adults and for communities to become more prosperous and supportive of their members.

Service Area

ACF Region 7 serves Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.

 Up-to-date information about Region 7 states can be found at


4 States
9 Federally Recognized Tribes
72 Head Start Grantees
50 Early Head Start Grantees
43 Runaway and Homeless Youth Grants


The Office of the Regional Administrator is located in Kansas City and is responsible for the Administration's key national goals and priorities in the four state area. The Regional Administrator (RA) provides executive leadership and direction to state, county, city, territorial and tribal governments, as well as to other public and private local grantees to ensure effective and efficient program and financial management. The operational side of the ACF emergency human services response system is also housed in the Regional Office under the direction of the RA.
ACF federal programs with a regional presence are: Child Welfare, Head Start, TANF, Child Care and Child Support Enforcement, Developmental Disabilities, Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs and Tribal programs. Each program is headed by a Regional Program Manager who reports to their national counterpart.