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New York City Low-Income Gas EE Program Gets $7 Million

Expanded energy efficiency programs for natural gas customers of Consolidated Edison in New York City are now underway.

Funded at $14 million for the next year, half of program funds will go for low-income programs administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and coordinated with the delivery of low-income electric efficiency programs already administered by NYSERDA.

In ordering the program on May 16, 2007, the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) said the programs should begin immediately so that measures could be in place and take effect before the 2007-08 heating season. 

Con Ed’s existing gas efficiency program, also administered by NYSERDA, was to expire in September.  Its funding level was $1.66 million per year, with 50 percent for low-income gas efficiency programs, including low-income weatherization and programs for owners of multifamily housing with low income tenants; 25 percent for non-low-income residential gas efficiency programs, including single and multifamily buildings; and 25 percent for commercial gas efficiency programs.

In approving the expanded program, the PSC said: “While it is a significant increase in percentage terms over the prior program, it nevertheless results in a relatively small impact on Con Edison’s customers, representing less than a 2 percent increase in delivery revenues and less than a 1 percent impact on total bills.”

Income eligibility for the low-income components is at or below 80 percent of state median income. Participants receive gas efficiency measures and incentives for making efficiency improvements to their homes.

The 2007-08 gas programs are transitional until a plan for longer term programs can be developed in a pending Con Ed rate case. 


Page Last Updated: January 30, 2008