Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Clearinghouse acf home privacy policy

Minnesota's Outreach Plan 2001

Minnesota Department of Economic Security, LIHEAP grantee.

To increase enrollment in LIHEAP.


During the late 1990s, the Minnesota LIHEAP served an estimated 90,000 households yearly out of 350,000 potentially eligible. Outreach and intake was conducted by a network of 41 local agencies. In 2001, the Minnesota LIHEAP took a new look at outreach.

From Minnesota FY 2001 State LIHEAP Plan:
"A continuum of outreach activities is necessary to target those households most vulnerable to the effects of cold, especially young children, the elderly and/or handicapped, those for whom access to assistance programs is especially difficult, and the lowest income households with the highest energy burdens. Outreach initiatives on the state and local level will target these and all eligible households. As a result, at least 10,000 households that did not receive assistance during the PY'00 program will be certified eligible in PY'01. This outcome will be measured using the EAP Software System.

"The EAP System Software has been modified to collect information about outreach. Two questions have been included in the application to assist in the collection effort: "How did you hear about this program?" and "Where did you get your application?" The default response to both of these questions is: "From this agency." This will simplify collecting this information from recertified households and those to whom agencies proactively mail applications.

The EAP System Software will also produce a report using the 4th quarter data that will count the households that apply this year but did not receive assistance last year."

State outreach activities:

  • Coordinating the statewide EAP Postcard project. (see below)
  • Identifying the number and demographics of the Minnesota low-income population by region as a needs assessment tool for outreach. The State EAP Office will identify the demographics and location of the eligible population to assess outreach needs by EAP delivery area. We will distribute preliminary data to local agencies. Each EAP agency will be required to verify preliminary data with local needs assessment data.
  • Preparing and distributing a generic EAP application.
  • Issuing at least 3 press releases:
    • In early October, when the federal funds arrive.
    • Midseason, to reinforce the availability of funds and announce any pertinent news.
    • In late April or early May, to announce that the program will be closing on June 1.
  • Maintaining a toll-free referral telephone line at 1-800-657-3805.
  • Coordinating with fuel funds, including Reach Out for Warmth and Heat Share.
  • Coordinating with the Minnesota Department of Revenue to send out applications to potentially eligible households statewide the third week of April.
  • Coordinating with the Minnesota Department of Human Services to send an EAP announcement and notification of income for the last 3 months to recipients of DHS programs in mid-October.
  • Sponsoring an Outreach Committee that meets at least 4 times during the year to assess statewide outreach needs and plan statewide outreach activities.

Local outreach activities will include the following:

  • Implementing the EAP Postcard project locally (see below).
  • Following up with households who have incomplete applications.
  • Innovating with or continuing successful local outreach projects.

The Minnesota EAP Postcard Project
Implement the EAP Postcard Project throughout your service area.

  • Design the postcard with the following information (see sample card in the appendix):


If you want help, please provide [agency] with the
following information:

City & Zip Code:  
Home Phone:  
Daytime Phone:  
Please return this postage paid card to:
  [full agency address]
  or call [toll free number]

Back:  Addressed to your agency
Postage paid

Figure out how many to print.

Plan to distribute them to other programs administered by your agency.

Plan to make 5 or more cards available to these organizations in your area, at a minimum:

Social Security Offices.

Legal Aid Offices.

Workforce Centers.


Social services offices and/or community action agencies.

Print the postcard

Use at least 65# card stock

Consider using an eye-catching color


Begin distribution no later than November 1, 2000.

Meet with staff of your agency and solicit their cooperation in distributing the cards as they go about their business. Give each staff person a small supply of cards. Keep a supply of cards in a convenient central location so they can pick up additional cards as they need them.

Contact each of the outside organizations personally (call or visit). Solicit their cooperation in distributing the cards and in requesting additional cards as needed. At a minimum, get their permission to put a few cards in a noticeable location in each office.

Collect the cards

As the cards come in, send out applications.

Store the cards so that you can count how many were returned at the end of the program.

Local Outreach Activities Log
In lieu of a Local Outreach Plan, maintain an Outreach Activities Log to document outreach activities. Your Energy Field Representative will review the log during the annual visit. The completed log will be submitted with the 3rd quarter report. Include the following categories in your log:

Outreach Activity Inclusive Dates Targeted Population Cost (optional) Outcomes (optional)

Pending year end FY 2001 reporting.

Carol Raabe
Office of Energy Programs
Minnesota Department of Economic Security
390 North Robert Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
(651) 284-3270

Page Last Updated: December 7, 2005