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E-mails and Memos

    November 21, 2008
    Chief Regulatory HQUSACE Selected
    I'm pleased to announce the selection of Ms. Margaret (Meg) Gaffney-Smith as the Chief of Regulatory Branch, Operations Community of Practice, Directorate of Civil Works, HQUSACE.

    Meg was selected from a highly qualified field of candidates and will be coming to the Headquarters from her current position as Chief of Regulatory, Baltimore District. Prior to Baltimore, Meg served as Acting Chief of Regulatory in Jacksonville, as a Senior Regulatory Program Manager on the Headquarters Regulatory staff, and as an Environmental Planner at the Institute for Water Resources (IWR).

    Meg will be coming on board 18 January 2009 bringing her current real-world field experiences to the job with a very strong passion and vision for the Corps Regulatory Program. Im confident she will provide outstanding leadership for this dynamic and challenging national program. Please join me in congratulating Meg on her selection and welcoming her to the Headquarters team!

    Jim Hannon
    Acting Chief Operations and Regulatory

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Updated: January 2009