Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Clearinghouse acf home privacy policy

North Carolina State and Local Funds

  • The Council of State approved a plan by Governor Mike Easley to provide $6.5 million in one-time state funding for low-income energy needs. About $3.4 million was distributed through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the LIHEAP and weatherization grantee, as part of the LIHEAP crisis intervention program. The remaining $3.1 million went to the state weatherization program, administered by DHHS's Office of Economic Opportunity, to weatherize the homes of low-income residents.

    Governor Mike Easley added another $4 million in state funds January 17 to help 10,000 more families pay their home heating bills in 2006.

  • City/county government general assistance funds


2005: $225,917
2004: $810,856
2003: $783,531
2001: $568,668
2000: $237,054
1999: $206,644
1997: $14,300
1996: $496,786
1995: $353,398
1994: $698,255
1993: $272,072

Page Last Updated: April 17, 2007