Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Clearinghouse acf home privacy policy

Maine Public Benefit Funds for Energy Efficiency

  • During the 2002 legislature, rules were established for electric energy conservation programs. (See electric utility restructuring legislation.) In 06/02, the PUC approved interim conservation programs for immediate implementation, including $300,000 for low-income refrigerator replacement. The refrigerator replacement program, which reached 300 households in 2002-03, was augmented with an energy-efficient lighting program. During FY 2006, the Low-Income Appliance Replacement Program delivered over 2,500 new energy efficient refrigerators and over 30,000 compact fluorescent bulbs to low-income customers at a cost of $1.9 million (reported under rate assistance). Funding for the program is included in the rates of the major state utilities under restructuring law and continues under the Conservation Act.


Act To Strengthen Energy Conservation

Page Last Updated: March 26, 2007