Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Clearinghouse acf home privacy policy

Delaware State Public Benefit Funds

  • An annual $800,000 contribution from Delmarva Power funds low-income energy assistance, weatherization and furnace replacements. The Department of Health and Social Services, Division of State Service Centers, the LIHEAP grantee, administers the fund as a program that is separate from LIHEAP, mostly for clients at or above 150 percent of federal poverty guidelines.

  • SB 93, signed June 2003, allowed for a $1 million transfer from the Environmental Incentive Fund to the low-income program fund. This one-time appropriation was used to offset arrearages of Conectiv (Delmarva Power) customers.

    See electric utility restructuring.


2006: $716,400
2004: $662,750
2003: $1.7 million
2002: $826,014
2001: $555,841

Page Last Updated: March 22, 2007