Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Clearinghouse acf home privacy policy

District of Columbia Public Benefit Funds for Rate Assistance

The Universal Service Discount Program (USDP) was established through the enactment of the Retail Electric Competition and Consumer Protection Act of 1999. The programs are funded through the Reliable Energy Trust Fund (RETF), a public benefit fund that supports universal service for low-income customers and residential energy efficiency and renewable resources programs.

The RETF funds the ongoing Residential Aid Discount (RAD) expansion with an annual budget of $775,000 that supplements funding from PEPCO for a annual RAD total of about $2.2 million. The expanded LIHEAP program is also funded through the RETF at $850,000 per year.

See electric utility restructuring.


2004: $1.6 million
2002: $744,000
2001: $837,000

Page Last Updated: July 12, 2007