Entry_ID: (required) Entry_Title: Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) Group: Data_Set_Citation Originator(s): George T. Mason, Jr.; Raymond E. Arndt Title: Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) Publication: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series Publication_Date: 1996 Publication_Place: Reston, VA Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Edition: 1 End_Group Keyword: Minerals Keyword: Mineral resources Keyword: Commodities Keyword: Mineral deposits Group: Temporal_Coverage Start_date: 1968 Stop_date: 1998 End_Group Data_Set_Progress: Complete Group: Spatial_Coverage Southernmost_Latitude: -90 Northernmost_Latitude: 90 Westernmost_Longitude: -180 Easternmost_Longitude: 180 End_Group Location: LD10 = North America Location: LD20 = Central America Location: LD30 = South America Location: LD40 = Europe Location: LD50 = Africa Location: LD60 = Australia and New Zealand Location: LD70 = Asia Location: LD80 = Asia Minor and Middle East Location: LD90 = Southeast Asia Group: Data_Resolution Latitude_Resolution: 1 Longitude_Resolution: 1 End_Group Access_Constraints: none Use_Constraints: none Originating_Center: (required) Group: Data_Center Data_Center_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Information Services Dataset_ID: USGS Digital Data Series DDS-20 Group: Data_Center_Contact Last_name: U.S. Geological Survey Information Services First_name: N/A Phone: 1-8888-ASK-USGS Group: Address Box 25286, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225-0286 USA End_Group End_Group End_Group Group: Distribution Distribution_Media: CD-ROM Distribution_Format : GSSEARCH database format, documented in software/gssearch.doc Fees: See http://mapping.usgs.gov/esic/prices/index.html End_Group Group: Reference End_Group Group: Summary MRDS was developed primarily to store descriptive and archived historical data about mineral deposit sites, including mines, prospects, and occurrences. MRDS became a reference tool for Federal, State, and nongovernment scientists seeking location and descriptive geologic information about a deposit. MRDS, as of this release, contains 111,955 variable-length records of metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources of the world. A record contains descriptive information about mineral deposits and mineral commodities. The types of information in the data base include deposit name, location, commodity, deposit description, geologic characteristics, production, reserves, potential resources, and references. See file TECHINFO.DOC under "Read the MRDS Information files..." of the main menu for a complete list of all available fields in a MRDS record. The records in this data base are classified as site, district, and regional records. This data base is continuously being modified through the addition of new records and improvement of existing records. USGS mineral deposit models were described in volumes edited by Cox and Singer (1986) and Bliss (1992). Codes for countries, states, and other political units were provided by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (1979, 1984). Hydrologic unit codes are those used by the U.S. Geological Survey Office of Water Data Coordination and GIRAS (Geographic Information Retrieval and Analysis System). Deposit size codes are based on the deposit sizes that were used by Guild (1981). This CD-ROM contains the software GSSEARCH, which is used to search, retrieve, and print the MRDS records. GSSEARCH is software that was developed at the U.S. Geological Survey as an outgrowth of a system to manage geologic bibliographic information. It supports fixed- or variable-length data and allows for full-text searching of specific fields that have been indexed. It presents the selected records back to the user for perusal in both browse and detail formats. Also, the records may be printed or written to a disk file in four different formats: ascii, fixed, comma delimited, and DBASE compatible. End_Group Group: DIF_Author Last_name: Mason First_name: George Email: gmason@usgs.gov Phone: (703) 648-4404 Group: Address 915 National Center Reston, VA 20192 USA End_Group End_Group DIF_Revision_Date: 19980923 Science_Review_Date: