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The Fort Worth District’s Environmental Design Branch is a multi disciplined organization of 25 people that includes, civil engineers, environmental engineers, geologists, chemists, geophysicists, ordnance & explosives safety specialists and engineering technicians. We execute a wide variety of projects using in-house staff and contractors.


  • Hazardous Waste – We have extensive experience developed over two decades in all aspects of hazardous waste investigation, characterization, remedial design, remedial action and long term monitoring. We commonly work within the RCRA and CERCLA regulatory frameworks and have established relationships with state and federal regulators.
  • Environmental Sampling – Trained and licensed staff routinely sample environmental media including soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, asbestos, lead based paint. Contract laboratories are retained to perform analyses. Available sampling equipment includes an XRF for lead based paint testing.
  • Building Demolition – Our experienced designers prepare abatement and demolition plans and specifications using the results of asbestos, lead-containing paint and regulated material surveys.
  • Sanitary Engineering – We are skilled in the inspection, evaluation and design of water and waste water treatment plants.
  • Utility Analysis – Our engineers analyze existing and proposed utility systems (water, sewer, storm water) in support of master planning efforts.
  • Military Munitions – Our munitions response team investigates and clears sites contaminated with military munitions and munitions constituents, including small arms and explosives. We also support the design and construction of new ranges in previously impacted areas.


  • Remediation
    • Shaw Group
    • Environmental Chemical Corp.
    • MKM
    • Tetra Tech FW
    • Cape Environmental
    • OA Systems
    • Weston Solutions
    • EA Engineering
    • STEP
  • Architect-Engineer Firms
    • Malcolm Pirnie
    • Tetra Tech NUS
    • URS
    • Ecology & Environment
    • CH2M-Hill
    • Terranear PMC
    • Stell Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Services – Pending award with an aggregate value of $29,000,000

CONTACTS: For further information or to discuss a need, please contact one of the following:

Mark E. Simmons P.E.
Chief, Environmental Design Branch


Dwayne Ford
Chief, MMRP & HTRW Section


Dave Bowersock P.E.
Chief, Environmental Engineering Section
