Welcome to Joint Force Quarterly
Joint Force Quarterly is published for the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, by the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, to promote understanding of the integrated employment of land, sea, air, space, and special operations forces. The journal focuses on joint doctrine, integrated operations, coalition warfare, contingency planning, military operations conducted across the spectrum of conflict, and joint force development.

We at Joint Force Quarterly seek research papers and essays of approximately 5,000 words or less that promote continuing joint education and improve interagency orchestration of all instruments of national power. JFQ readers are typically subject matter experts who can take an issue or debate to the next level of application or utility. Quality manuscripts harbor the potential to save lives and national treasure. When framing your argument, please focus on the so what? question. That is, does your research, experience, or critical analysis improve the understanding or performance of the reader? Speak to implications from the operational to strategic level of influence and tailor the message for an interagency readership without using acronyms or jargon. Also, write prose, not terse bullets. Even the most prosaic doctrinal debate can be interesting if presented with care! Share your professional insights and improve national security.

Colonel David H. Gurney, USMC (Ret.)
Editor, Joint Force Quarterly
Director, National Defense University Press

Click to view/download Joint Force Quarterly:
  • Current Issue - 1st Quarter 2009, Issue 52
  • 4th Quarter 2008, Issue 51
  • 3rd Quarter 2008, Issue 50
  • 2nd Quarter 2008, Issue 49
  • 1st Quarter 2008, Issue 48
  • 4th Quarter 2007, Issue 47
  • 3rd Quarter 2007, Issue 46
  • 2nd Quarter 2007, Issue 45
  • 1st Quarter 2007, Issue 44
  • 4th Quarter 2006, Issue 43
  • 3rd Quarter 2006, Issue 42
  • 2nd Quarter 2006, Issue 41
  • 1st Quarter 2006, Issue 40
  • 4th Quarter 2005, Issue 39
  • 3rd Quarter 2005, Issue 38
  • 2nd Quarter 2005, Issue 37
  • 1st Quarter 2005, Issue 36
  • Autumn 2004 (No. 35)
  • Spring 2003 (No. 34)
  • Winter 2002/2003 (No. 33)
  • Autumn 2002 (No. 32)
  • Summer 2002 (No. 31)
  • Spring 2002 (No. 30)
  • Autumn/Winter 2001/2002 (No. 29)
  • Spring/Summer 2001 (No. 28)
  • Winter 2000/2001 (No. 27)
  • Autumn 2000 (No.26)
  • Summer 2000 (No.25)
  • Spring 2000 (No.24)
  • Autumn/Winter 2000 (No.23)
  • Summer 1999 (No.22)
  • Spring 1999 (No.21)
  • Autumn/Winter 1999 (No.20)
  • Summer 1998 (No.19)
  • Spring 1998 (No.18)
  • Autumn/Winter 1997/1998 (No.17)
  • Summer 1997 (No. 16)
  • Spring 1997 (No. 15)
  • Winter 1996/1997 (No. 14)
  • Autumn 1996 (No. 13)
  • Summer 1996 (No. 12)
  • Spring 1996 (No. 11)
  • Winter 1995/1996 (No. 10)
  • Autumn 1995 (No. 9)
  • Summer 1995 (No. 8)
  • Spring 1995 (No. 7)
  • Autumn/Winter 1994/1995 (No. 6)
  • Summer 1994 (No. 5)
  • Spring 1994 (No. 4)
  • Winter 1993/1994 (No. 3)
  • Autumn 1993 (No. 2)
  • Summer 1993 (No. 1)