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September 24, 2007

Talk to Us!

Visited or hosted a Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) exhibit recently?

What's going on at your local museum? We'd love to hear about interesting programs or events affilated with SITES exhibitions. Please share your stories with us . . .


I just visited my first traveling exhibit in Sacramento, CA.

it was the Freedom Sisters held at the Central Library in Sacramento.

it was absolutely wonderful and I had no idea that the Smithsonian Institute traveled.

I am 46 yrs old and know that i will never be in Wash D.C. to see the real museums and i feel it's absloutely wonderful that all of the world's various treasures are able to travel across the US.

I am proud to know that my 23 yr old spent a year in DC and volunteered at the Smithsonian while attending Virginia Tech - studying Architecture.

Thank you on behalf of a very, very happy person who has gained a valuable experience and knowledge from the exhibit.
I am spreading the word!!

thanks again

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