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Quality Assurance Program

Management Enhancement Worksheet

What Assessment does this enhancement item relate to?

Enhancement Item: (Please provide a detailed description of the policy, procedure or system that needs to be improved.)

Enhancement Action: (Please provide a detailed description of your plan to improve the above enhancement item.)

What offices need to be involved?

Who will lead the coordination of the enhancement item?



Phone Number:



Phone Number
What is the duration of the Management Enhancment?

Short-Term (1 year) Long-Term (2-5 years)

Start Date: (mm/dd/yy)

Anticipated Completion Date:

Actual Completion Date:

After implementation, explain the final results:

Did you update your Policies and Procedures Manual to reflect appropriate changes?

1. Yes No
2. Section Updated

3. Date Policies and Procedures Manual Updated?
4. Were staff members properly trained on new procedures? Yes No


We recommend that your school annually review all management enhancement items to determine the effectiveness of enhancements implemented by your school.

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