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News Room Headline
Ballard school children celebrate art project at Chittenden Locks in Ballard

Ballard school children celebrate art project at Chittenden Locks in BallardContact: Patricia Graesser (206) 764-3760 April 26, 2005 SEATTLE--Dozens of Ballard fourth and fifth graders will come together May 6 to celebrate the installation of two art projects that will enliven the bare, gray concrete walls of the Chittenden Locks fish ladder viewing room. Students at Salmon Bay and Whittier schools worked to create vibrant salmon wall hangings and sculpted tiles at the request of a group of Army Corps of Engineers employees who sought to brighten the fish ladder viewing area. Whittier students led by art teacher Nina Crampton completed the project to create five hanging laminated fish panels. One panel will hang above each viewing window. "This project enabled the fifth graders at Whittier to work with professional artists and use techniques they wouldn't ordinarily come into contact with," said Crampton. "They were able work as a team to create bright, colorful pieces to hang at the fish ladder. It was an amazing experience for all of us." Art teacher Judy Bierman oversaw the Salmon Bay students' creation of the sculpted muli-tiled "windows" that will be installed opposite the actual viewing windows. The tiles illustrate the life cycle of the salmon. "This project offered the kids a fantastic opportunity to integrate a year long study of salmon with their developing clay skills - a great integration," Bierman said. "They were able to focus in a short period of time on how to represent their ideas in clay using shade, color, and composition." "It was a great opportunity to work with the local schools to create art that will beautify the fish ladder area. Plus the kids had a good time," said Bruce Hale, Corps of Engineers Leadership Development Program project team member.