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Maneuver Support and Sustainment


Maneuver Support and Sustainment (MSS) specialists at the Engineer Research and Development Center's Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (ERDC-CRREL) develop innovative solutions for challenging problems in a wide variety of environments, including temperate and extreme conditions, and remote sites such as Antarctica. MSS specialists focus on technologies to optimize vehicle mobility in developed and undeveloped terrains in all seasons; engineering principles for force projection airfields in remote, aus-tere environments; and the sustainment of operational capabilities in remote, extreme cold regions.


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 Supporting Technology


 Success Stories

 Points of Contact

Stryker armored combat vehicle (click to view larger image)

Stryker armored combat vehicle

 Glacial ice runway

 Dust brownout

 Cool Robot test in Greenland

 Ground contact model

 South Pole traverse

 All-Season Vehicle virtual simulation

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Page last updated: 04 March 2008

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