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ERDC-CERL Receives USACE Small Business Award

COL James Rowan with LTG Strock photo 4 Jan 05--Vicksburg, MS--The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center's (ERDC) Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in Champaign, Ill., recently received a small business award at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Small Business Conference in Arlington, Va.

CERL received the award for exceeding its fiscal year 2004 (FY04) goals in supporting USACE service-disabled and veteran-owned small businesses. CERL exceeded the statutory minimum for service-disabled veteran-owned small business contracts, which is equal to 3 percent of the contracts awarded. CERL was one of four USACE organizations to exceed the 3 percent and receive the award, which is presented by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Six similar awards were given to Navy and Air Force offices.

CERL obligated more than $158,000 to service-disabled and veteran-owned small businesses, representing 3.8 percent of contract obligations in 2004.

CERL, one of seven ERDC laboratories, develops and infuses innovative technologies to provide excellent facilities and realistic training lands for the Department of Defense.  

The ERDC is the premier research and development facility for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with more than 2,000 employees, $1.2 billion in facilities, and an annual research program exceeding $700 million. It conducts research in both military and civil works mission areas for the Department of Defense and the nation. 


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